Renae is the Eisner Nominated creator/writer/artist of THE LEGEND of WONDER WOMAN for DC Comics, Wonder Woman 75th Anniversary Special, PETER PAN: The Graphic Novel, LADY POWERPUNCH, Womanthology, as well as the artist for THE LAST UNICORN, Anne Rice's "Servant of the Bones," Joe Hill's "Strange Weather," Fables: Fairest in all the Land," Jennifer Love Hewitt's "Music Box," "The Light Princess," "Sonic the Hedgehog" "Rogue Angel," and covers for Red Sonja, Archie, J. Michael Strazscinski's "Dream Police," "Protectorates, and various others. She's also the mother of our 4 amazing children. She IS Wonder Woman. :) And I have the privilege of inking, coloring, lettering, and co-creator projects with her. Lucky man.